TSR strikes again... and now it's a 15-year-old kid?

Now I know you guys probably heard of this a few months ago about a 15-year-old kid got attacked by a TSR owner known as Thomas O. Isaksson. Yes, you guys probably heard his name before.

What I've read from the article was... unbelievable. I mean, he's a hacker and he could do whatever he wants to do! Now that I'm worried about my blog. I just can't let this hacker hacking my blog! This is the only blog that I truly love and it's like, a months to finish setting this blog up just for everyone.

Come to think of it, I joined TSR a few months back because I didn't knew TSR too well. But after coconut posted this article about TSR, now I felt regret for joining TSR. But luckily, I didn't add anything on my account. No bio, no personal info, no uploads, nada. Just my simple name and my email account and that's that.

Shit, after reading the article, it totally broke my heart... and open my eyes as well...

Why, Thomas? Why are you doing this to us? We love your site, dude. We've payed the stuff, we've donated your site and this is what you repayed us? By hacking? Why, Thomas? Why...? :(